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Infant Feeding And Later Obesity Risk

Does Breastfeeding Reduce The Risk Of Obesity?

2 mins to read Apr 1, 2021

When it comes to the right way to feed your baby, research confirms that the choice of a mother whether to breastfeed her child or give him formula milk may affect his obesity risks in the long run.


Feeding methods can indeed prevent a baby from many diseases and chronic health disorders, including obesity. Here is the proof:


- Breastfeeding gives a baby a long-lasting feeling of satiety compared to his formula-fed peers.

- Some study identifies a connection between the average baby weight gain and the nature of the milk they’re given and the way they consume it. The result is slightly higher weight gain in exclusively-breastfed babies and significant weight gain in formula-fed babies.

- Breastfeeding plays a major role in regulating a baby’s appetite, due to its ability to accustom the body to a long-lasting sensation of satiety.

- Breastfeeding can help prevent obesity in babies, given the fact that breast milk is low in protein compared to infant formulas.


Yet, if breastfeeding decreases an infant’s risk to become obese because of the composition of natural milk—which promotes healthy development and affects the body’s ability to control its weight, as per the World Health Organization—it is surely not the only risk factor. There are many others, with an influence that exceeds by far the effect of breastfeeding, such as genetics, socio-economic conditions, the baby’s weight at birth, and the baby’s weight gain during the first stage of life.


Read More: Is My Baby Allergic To My Breast Milk?

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